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The FCCH Fellows program aims to generate and uplift emerging leaders, specifically influential decision-makers who have a vested interest in the Filipino-American community, and create equity in the broader community of Hawaiʻi.

In Hawaiʻi, Filipinos have had an impactful presence in the labor force, influencing economic growth, and vitality over the past 100+ years. While Filipinos are strongly represented in labor and service positions, their representation in leadership and executive management positions has been marginal. 


The core mission of the FCCH Fellows Program is to:

  • Create a leadership and mentorship program that is self-perpetuating and grows exponentially;
  • Identify and develop emerging leaders of Filipino descent that show potential to be impactful in the community, business, and industry;
  • Expand the Fellows' breadth of knowledge in various industries throughout Hawaiʻi;
  • Promote a civic-minded mentality in all Fellows;
  • Inspire and enhance leadership skills for personal and professional development;
  • Increase the Fellows’ social capital by connecting them to prominent leaders and resources they might not otherwise have access to;
  • Encourage an entrepreneurial mindset;
  • Creates a platform for all participants to uplift and serve the Filipino community.


  • Unite the Filipino community and diaspora to elevate our position in life, in the community, and our own self image.
  • Cultivate authentic leadership grounded in Filipino values such as bayanihan (communal cooperation), maparaan (ingenuity), and matatag (resilience).
  • Create a legacy of leaders that develop and empower the next generations of leaders.


The program kicks off each year with a retreat for the FCCH Fellows to meet each other and develop their own group identity. Afterward, Fellows participate in a variety of activities including skill building opportunities, talk story sessions with prominent leaders, and mentorship.

Throughout the program, Fellows enhance their leadership skills; gain a deeper awareness of social, business, and industry issues; and, have access to a community of support. A concerted effort will be made in this program to include successful Filipino-Americans as mentors to serve as role models who can share their unique experiences and challenges of being a Filipino-American.

Each class will participate in a graduation ceremony which will be held at the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaiʻi’s annual Entrepreneur of the Year event.

The 2024-2025 Fellows Program is now closed.

Applications for the next cohort will open in summer 2026.



Fellows are expected to attend and be present at all events. Programming structure is hybrid. Dates marked with an asterisk (*) refer to online sessions.

  • Orientation/Retreat: September 26
  • Program: September 2024 - April 2025
  • October 10 and 24*
  • November 14
  • December 12 - Field Trip
  • January 9 and 23*
  • February 13 and 27*
  • March 13 and 27*
  • April 10




Each class of Fellows will be selected by a committee with certain characteristics taken into consideration. Generally, the Fellow:

  • Shows leadership qualities;
  • Displays potential for higher success;
  • Is of good character;
  • Is of good standing in the community and profession;
  • Is self-directed, and is aware of self (strengths, vulnerabilities, and triggers);
  • Experiments beyond self’s comfort zone;
  • Has the professional business or executive management acumen[discretionary trait];
  • Preferably, is civic-minded.

Individual diversity within each class is imperative in order to bring a variety of viewpoints and opinions. Varying professions, contracting stages in one’s career, differing upbringing, and diverging interests are criteria that may also be considered in forming the cohort class. Each class is anticipated to range between 4 to 8 participants each year.

Fees and Scholarship

If chosen, a Fellow will pay $1000 to be a part of Cohort 4.

  • The fee will cover the following:
  • Program costs (including materials, food, field trip, and retreat)
  • 1-Year FCCH Membership equivalent
  • FCCH Entrepreneur of the Year (EOY) Gala
  • Executive Mentorship

Limited scholarships are available to candidates who are unable to secure funding on their own or from their employer to pay the fee. 



Application period:

July 22 - August 19

Candidates are required to complete an application form:


  • As part of the application, candidates will need to submit a resume, bio, headshot, and letter of support from their employer
  • A letter of support from the candidate's employer confirms their awareness of the candidate's application to the Fellows Program and their commitment to support the candidate's involvement if accepted to the program. This may include providing encouragement, allowing flexibility for program activities, or assisting with the program fee.

Interviews: Ongoing through August 28.

All candidates will be notified of the committee’s decision no later than August 30

70 years of promoting business in Hawaii

The Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii’s 70-year history dates back to a time when a group of Filipino businessmen - civic minded and fueled with the desire to unite the then fledgling Filipino business community - met in 1947. Today, FCCH represents a growing influence of changemakers in Hawaii, and in the Filipino diaspora.


Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii

  • P.O. Box 1572, Honolulu, HI 96806
  • filipinochamber@gmail.com
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